Total Miner

(Unofficial) XML Modding API Documentation


Adding And Modifying Items

Items can be added and modified with XML mods. If an Item ID supplied already exists, that item will be modified. Below is the documentation for each file used to add and modify items. Any file or field can be omitted to use default values.


Contains general information about this item.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item. If this is an existing item, that item will be modified, otherwise this item will be added.

Name: string

The name of this item that appears in the inventory, item interact screen, etc. The name can include spaces.

Desc: string

The description of this item shown on this item interact screen.

IsValid: bool

If false, this item cannot be obtained through normal means, effectively removing this item.

IsEnabled: bool

If false, this item will be initially disabled. this item can be enabled or disabled manually in this item Options menu. If you’re looking to effectively remove an item, use IsValid.

LockedDD: bool

If true, this item will be locked in shops in Dig Deep until either the blueprint is found or this item is equipped.

LockedCR: bool

If true, this item will be locked in shops in Creative until this item is equipped.

LockedSU: bool

If true, this item will be locked in shops in Survival until this item is equipped.

MinCSPrice: int

The price this item sells for in the shop. this item can be bought for 120% of this price. 0 = Free, -1 = Unpurchasable. Note that setting the price to -1 will also remove this item from the creative inventory.

StackSize: int

The maximum stack size of this item. If this item has durability, the stack size will always be 1.

Durability: ushort

The durability of this item. If this is above 0, this item’s stack size will always be 1.

StrikeDamage: float

The base damage this item deals to targets when attacking.

StrikeReach: float

The maximum distance this item can strike enemies at, in blocks.

HealPower: short

The amount of health this item heals when used.

BurnTime: ushort

The amount of time, in seconds, this item burns in a furnace.

SmeltTime: float

The amount of time, in seconds, this item takes to be smelted in a furnace. If this item cannot be created in a furnace, this is ignored.

ParticleLight: byte

How much this item glows in the player’s hand and on the ground. this item will not emit light.

CanDropIfLocked: bool

If false, this item cannot be dropped by mobs unless this item has been unlocked.

Plural: Plural

How the game displays this item’s name in plural.

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Contains information about this item’s type data and use.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item. If this is an existing item, that item will be modified, otherwise this item will be added.

Use: ItemUse

The use type of this item.

Type: ItemType

The type of this item.

SubType: ItemSubType

The sub type of this item. An item can have multiple subtypes by separating value with spaces.

ClassID: ItemTypeClass

The class ID of this item. The class determines the power and maximum resistance of this item when mining. This can also be a custom class.

Inv: ItemInvType

The shop tab this item will appear in.

CombatID: CombatItem

The combat ID for this item. The combat class determines the stat bonuses of this item. This can also be a custom combat class.

Model: ItemModelType

This item’s model type. The model type determines how this item looks when held.

Swing: ItemSwingType

this item’s swing type. The swing type determines how this item looks when swung.

Equip: EquipIndex

The slot this item should be equipped in.

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Contains information about the this item class. The number of hits taken to destroy a block is equal to Block Resistance / Item Power × Tool Effectiveness. Eg. Rhyolite has a resistance of 7200, and a Titanium Pickaxe has a power of 1200, meaning it will take 6 hits to destroy Rhyolite with a Titanium Pickaxe.

ClassID: ItemTypeClass

The ID of this class. No spaces are allowed. If this is an existing class, that class will be modified, otherwise the class will be added.

Power: ushort

The amount of “damage” that items of this class deal to blocks when mining.

MaxResistance: ushort

The maximum block resistance that items of this class can mine. Blocks with a higher resistance will be unmineable

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Contains information about the stat bonuses of items. Every 100 points in a stat is equal to 1 skill level.

CombatID: CombatItem

The ID of this combat class. No spaces are allowed. If this is an existing combat class, that combat class will be modified, otherwise the combat class will be added.

Health: short

The amount of Health stat points this item gives when equipped.

Attack: short

The amount of Attack stat points this item gives when equipped.

Strength: short

The amount of Strength stat points this item gives when equipped.

Defence: short

The amount of Defence stat points this item gives when equipped.

Ranged: short

The amount of Ranged stat points this item gives when equipped.

Looting: short

The amount of Looting stat points this item gives when equipped.

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Contains information about the swing time of this item. The Time field is the total amount of time this item takes to swing and is not affected by another other field. Say, Time=1, and Pause=0.5: this item will take 1 second to swing, half a second of which is spent paused.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item. If this is an existing item, that item will be modified.

Time: float

The total time, in seconds, it takes to swing this item. Other time values are not added to this time.

Pause: float

The amount of time, in seconds, this item stays in the rest position after being swung before being able to be swung again.

ExtendedPause: float

The amount of time, in seconds, this item remains in its fully extended position.

RetractTime: float

The amount of time, in seconds, this item takes to return to the rest position after reaching its fully extended position. Setting this to -1 makes this item retract in the same amount of time it takes to extend.

RetractSmooth: bool

If true, this item will retract smoothly.

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Contains information about how items are swung.

SwingID: ItemSwingType

The ID of this swing type. No spaces are allowed. Must be an existing swing type.

IsSwingable: bool

If false, items with this swing type cannot be swung.

SwingTime: float

The amount of time, in seconds, it takes to swing items with this swing type. Set this to 0 to use the time specified for the specific item.

RestPosition: Vector3

The local position of this item when resting.

RestRotation: Vector3

The rotation of this item when resting.

ExtendedPosition: Vector3

The local position of this item when fully extended in third person.

ExtendedPositionFPV: Vector3

The local position of this item when fully extended in first person.

ExtendedRotation: Vector3

The rotation of this item when fully extended in third person.

ExtendedRotationFPV: Vector3

The rotation of this item when fully extended in first person.

CircularY: float

The maximum height of the circular vertical movement of this item while swinging in third person.

CircularZ: float

The maximum circular forward movement of this item while swinging in both third and first person.

CircularYFPV: float

The maximum height of the circular vertical movement of this item while swinging in first person.

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Contains information about the sound this item makes.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item. If this is an existing item, that item will be modified.

Group: ItemSoundGroup

The sound group of this item.

Sounds: ItemSoundXML

ItemSoundXML class specifying the sounds this items should make on certain actions.

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Contains information about the skill types and requirements for this item.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item. If this is an existing item, that item will be modified.

MineReq: int

If this item is a block, the minimum skill level required to mine it.

UseReq: int

The minimum skill level required to use this item.

UseSkill: SkillType

The skill this item uses.

CraftReq: int

The minimum skill level reqiured to craft this item.

CraftSkill: SkillType

The skill used to craft this item.

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Contains information about how this item is crafted and its Dig Deep Blueprint.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item. Blueprints can only be added this way, not removed.

CraftType: BlueprintCraftType

The method of which this item is crafted.

IsDefault: bool

If true, this recipe will be automatically unlocked in Dig Deep without needing to find the blueprint.

Depth: Vector2

The minimum and maximum depth percentage of this item’s blueprint in Dig Deep. 0 = highest depth, 1 = lowest depth.

Result: InventoryItemNDXML

The item this recipe crafts.

Material11: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the bottom-left of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material12: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the bottom-middle of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material13: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the bottom-right of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material21: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the middle-left of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material22: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the middle of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material23: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the middle-right of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material31: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the top-left of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material32: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the top-middle of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Material33: InventoryItemXML

The item to be placed in the top-right of the 3x3 crafting grid.

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Contains the order of items in their respective texture atlas image. HD Texture Packs use ItemTextures32.xml while SD Texture Packs use ItemTextures16.xml. Always supply both TexturesXML files and both texture atlas images when adding custom items. The texture atlas image should have every item texture laid out next to one another. Recommended up to 32 items on one line in the texture atlas. Once the 32nd item is reached, move down a line.

ItemID: Item

The ID of this item.

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