Total Miner

Total Miner Lua Tutorials

Here you will find in-depth tutorials for Lua Scripting in Total Miner.

These tutorials will cover:

What is Lua Scripting?

If you are familiar with the existing TM scripts then the answer is easy for you. Lua scripts are basically the same as TM scripts, except they use the Lua programming language, rather than the TM script syntax. The lua programming language allows much greater flexibility in writing scripts, better variables, better control flow, eg. while loops, for loops, and proper functions.

For those new to scripting and haven’t yet used TM scripts, we advice you start with Lua scripts and not bother with TM scripts. Lua scripting is easier to learn, more flexible and will be better supported into the future.

TL;DR** In short, you write scripts to dynamically control Total Miner worlds, to control the entities in those worlds, and to interact with players.


For further learning of the Lua programming language and its syntax, see here.
